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Solar Foxlights

Regular price $149.99 AUD
Regular price Sale price $149.99 AUD
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The most advanced non lethal method of night predator control!!

A computerised varying flash with three colours meaning predators are less likely to get used to it.  Nine LED bulbs projecting 360 degrees can be seen over 1km.

Set where stock are or near poultry pens, Foxlights appears as if someone is patrolling with a flashlight which keeps predators away with their natural fear of man.

A solar panel collecting energy stored in 2AA rechargeable batteries.  The life of these batteries should be approximately three years.  A USB port allows charging from mains, if required.

Solar lights require good sunlight and may not be suited for forested or shaded areas. We recommend a combination of both lights in some circumstances.

Easy set up on a steel fence post, hung from a tree or on an existing fence.  Easy to relocate with stock to free pastures. 

Foxlights are very compatible with all guard and domestic animals.

Customers use the fox repeller around:

  • lambs
  • poultry
  • goat kids
  • ducks
  • geese
  • piglets
  • pet protection.