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Orego-Stim Liquid - 1L

Regular price $66.00 AUD
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Encourages feed intakes; supports digestive health and nutrient absorption; rich in antioxidants;


Oregano essential oil (OEO) naturally contains antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds which are widely known to support a healthy digestive system, and supports natural resilience.

Orego-Stim Liquid is part of Anpario’s leading Orego-Stim range, containing a non-synthetic, consistent source of natural OEO extracted from the oregano variety that is specific to Anpario. The plants are cultivated to have the optimal balance of active ingredients including carvacrol and thymol.

Certified by OF&G as suitable for use in Organic Systems.

Key Benefits


Pig Appetite and Digestive Health

  • Aromatic smell and taste can improve palatability of feed and help encourage voluntary feed intakes.
  • Help supports early piglet weight gain when provided to sows.
  • Supports a well-balanced and diverse microbiota and helps aid feed efficiency.
  • Maintains continued growth throughout life stages of the pig.

Pig Health and Well-Being

  • Assists animal natural defence mechanisms and supports natural immunity.
  • Rich in antioxidants, which are  known to help neutralize free radicals.
  • Support pigs through periods of stress, e.g. weaning, mixing, transportation etc.
  • Can be used to support programmes to reduce antimicrobial use.



  • Maintains a well-balanced and diverse microbiota.
  • Flavouring compound, shown to increase voluntary intakes.
  • Helps maintain a healthy appetite through the critical stages of growth such as weaning.
  • Supports a healthy digestive system and helps aid nutrient absorption.

Livestock Health and Well-Being:

  • Supports the animals’ natural defence mechanism and aids natural immunity.
  • Contains rich antioxidants. Antioxidants known to help neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can cause cellular damage.
  • Can be used to support a programme to reduce use of antimicrobials.

Addition Benefits for Calves:

  • Aromatic smell and taste  can improve palatability of feed and help encourage voluntary milk and feed intake in calves.
  • Trials have shown that Orego-Stim Liquid has supported weight gain in calves from birth up to and beyond weaning.
  • In trials, it was found that calves fed Orego-Stim Liquid had lower shedding of oocysts in their faeces that are associated with scour



  • Aromatic smell and taste of OEO can improve palatability of feed and help encourage voluntary feed and water intakes in your layers, broilers and turkeys.
  • Supports gut motility and aids nutrient absorption.
  • Helps maintain drier droppings and cleaner eggs.
  • Helps sustain body weight and support weight gain in growing birds.

Poultry Health and Wellbeing

  • Assists poultry natural defence mechanisms and supports natural immunity.
  • Rich in antioxidants, which are known to help neutralize free radicals.
  • Supports birds when under stress and through environmental challenges.
  • Can be used to support programmes to reduce antimicrobial use.

Avian and Pigeon


  • Aromatic smell and taste improves palatability of feed and helps encourage voluntary feed and water intake in pigeons, maintaining a healthy appetite.
  • OEO supports a well-balanced and diverse microbiota in the gut.
  • Aids nutrient absorption.
  • Supports drier and firmer droppings in your birds.

Avian and Pigeon Health and Well-Being:

  • Anti-microbial action can help support the immune system and assist natural immunity.
  • Rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants known to help neutralize free radicals.
  • High level of antioxidant properties support muscle maintenance which is helpful during flight and aids post-race recovery.
  • Beneficial upon return of race.
  • Helps pigeon during periods of stress. Recommended to use during moulting, transportation, post-race recovery and show-out.
  • Can be used all year round to support birds from environmental challenges.
  • Supports squabs during weaning from environmental challenges.
  • Supports healthy growth rates.
  • Aids in feathering and fledgling of squabs.

How to Use

Add to fresh drinking water or feed at rates given below, ensure thorough mixing.

Creep feeding up to 15kg bodyweight: 500ml per 1000L of water.
15kg to 25kg bodyweight: 250ml per 1000L of water.
25 kg bodyweight to slaughter: 125ml per 1000L of water.
Sows & Boars: 250ml per 1000L of water.

Calves (birth to weaning):
2 ml per head per day mixed into the milk (e.g., if fed twice per day, add 1 ml into the first feed, then another 1 ml into the second feed).
Extra Support
10 ml per head per day mixed into the milk for up to 10 days, then 2 ml per day until weaning.

Add to the daily milk allowance, ensure thorough mixing. Fresh and clean drinking water should always be available.
Sheep & goats: An initial 500ml per 1000L of water for 28 days,
followed by a maintenance rate of 125ml per 1000L of water
Beef cattle: An initial 500ml per 1000L of water for 28 days, followed by a maintenance rate of 125ml per 1000L of water.
Dairy cattle: 15ml per head per day for 28 days.

Avian, Pigeon and Poultry

Suitable for use in avian, pigeons and all poultry e.g. table birds, layers, turkeys, ducks and game bird.
Add to fresh drinking water at rates given below, ensure thorough mixing.
For routine use: 150ml per 1000L of water. (1.5ml / 10L of water).
Up to a maximum use: 300ml per 1000L of water. (3.0ml / 10L of water).
For best results, use continuously.

Please Note:
Orego-Stim Liquid should not be used in an undiluted form.

Safe to use throughout the production cycle.

Mixes easily – no separation.

Once opened, ensure the lid is screwed on tightly between use to ensure longevity of the product, and store in a cool, dry area away from heat and damp conditions.