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Holdfast Phalaris

Regular price $26.95 AUD
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HOLDFAST was bred by CSIRO and released in 1991. It was derived from selected plants of Australian which displayed excellent seed retention. It was then back-crossed with Sirosa and Sirolan material followed by out-crossings with selected lines from the Mediterranean. It has similar agronomic characteristics to Sirolan and Sirosa but has superior seed retention when fully mature.

HOLDFAST has a semi-erect growth habit; it is classed as a winter active variety with low to moderate summer dormancy.

It offers acidic soil tolerance, medium seedling vigour and excellent winter production with high total production. Ideally, HOLDFAST should be rotationally grazed and offers good persistence under drought

HOLDFAST can be sown in the main and drier phalaris growing districts. HOLDFAST is a suitable replacement for Sirosa.

Due to quarantine restrictions, we do not ship seeds to Western Australia or Tasmania