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Highway Seed Blend

Regular price $18.50 AUD
Regular price Sale price $18.50 AUD
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Designed for harsh freeway or roadside conditions highway blend is quick to establish, withstands wear and tear and harsh conditions. 

We blend and pack seed that’s high in quality, germination and purity and selected to suit even the toughest conditions.

For the best possible start, all our lawn blends contain a Lawn Starter Fertiliser.

  • Extremely durable and drought tolerant grass mix
  • Designed for harsh freeway or roadside conditions
  • Contains white clover to supply nutrients

Sowing Rate

1kg sows 25 square metres


  • Perennial rye 
  • Tall fescue 
  • Fine fescue
  • Annual ryegrass 
  • White clover
  • Lawn starter fertilizer 

Due to quarantine restrictions, we do not ship seeds to Western Australia or Tasmania